Resources for CBO

Compliance with Due Process

Contractors are required to provide families/caretakers with information on their rights concerning disagreements regarding a child's removal from care, including the right to appeal, which should be provided during enrollment on the Notice of Action.

Four preschool students smiling together in a classroom.

Developmental Profile

Children are assessed using an observation based assessment called DRDP two times per year. This process begins the first day the children are in care. The DRDP is aligned to the California Preschool Learning Foundations. 

Children standing in line inside a classroom with their teachers.

Environment Rating Scales

Classroom environment as the third teacher is a critical component of a high-quality program. There are resources available for training and implementation.

Family Engagement

Supports contractors with ideas and strategies to meet guidelines and create a welcoming environment for families.

Four children coloring together on a table.

Family Selection

Support for providers around the eligibility priorities, waitlist, and ranking.

A mother and a child playing with a doll.

Family Eligibility Requirements

Components required for the family data file that includes eligibility and need need for care (full-day only). This includes documentation for family size, and materials required in writing for families. 

Fiscal Audit, Annual Fiscal Audit

Quarterly reports must  detail attendance for each program, accounting for reimbursable adjustments  per child to ensure a productive attendance reporting process and accurate  reimbursement based on state preschool program guidelines.

Health & Social Service

Information regarding  Health and Social Services needs survey, including locating and making referrals for services that respond to families identified needs.

A student's classroom art activity.

Inventory Records

Keeping track of purchases you make are important to the fiscal audit. What you purchase, how you track it, and the permissions needed for some items are an important part of the process.

Vegetables in baskets.


Ensuring that children are getting the proper nutrition is crucial for their development and well-being. But how do you know what to feed them? And how do you effectively communicate this to families? There are specific guidelines around feeding children.

Prohibition Against Religious Instruction

Children and families should be free to attend the program day free of religious instruction and worship.

Smiling staff sitting around tables in discussion.

Program Self-Evaluation

Each year contractors complete a self evaluation on the components of the state preschool program. A process to support you to collect key information and documents is important to the successful completion of this required component. 

Three teachers and their students smiling in front a beautiful colorful wall mural.

Recording & Reporting Attendance

Program instrument requirements around taking attendance each day, and sign in/out procedures.

A child looking at a pet lizard in the classroom.

Site Licensure & License Exempt

Community Care Licensing policies and procedures including fees, new license, and a license exempt process.

Children and staff sitting together in a circle inside a classroom.

Staff-Child Ratios

In early education, the ratio of teachers to students is crucial. The specific ratio requirements vary depending on the type of program and the age of the children being served.

Staff Qualifications

Staffing requires specific qualifications that follow the California Permit Matrix for child development permits. Each staff member should have a file that contains information about their permit and qualifications.

Staff PD Program

Deciding how to recruit and hire is a big part of the staffing in early education. Once staff is hired, they will need ongoing professional development to support their individual and collective needs.