Focus Area C: UPK Workforce Recruitment and Professional Learning

These resources include guidance for LEAs to hire and place teacher candidates that meet the ED Code definition of a fully qualified teacher in the UTK grade as part of the mixed delivery UPK system.

California Classified Employee Grant Funding is competitive grant funding offered through CTC that supports LEAs or County Offices of Ed in partnership with IHEs to offer tuition and related fee support to their Classified employees whom possess an AA degree to complete coursework toward their BA and credential.

The Teacher Residency Grant is competitive grant funding offered to LEAs or County Offices of Ed in partnership with IHEs to provide a residency program for credentialing purposes. The Residency program is created to support teacher candidates as they work toward credentialing with onsite mentoring and coaching designed to increase teacher retention.

CECO is an Early Learning entity offered through the California Department of Social Services that provides essential and relative training to early learning staff responsive to real time needs. This website is set up to provide module based learning connected to the California Workforce Registry. Modules include training in DRDP assessment, trauma informed practices, SEL learning, and supporting students through a DEI lens. 

The Virtual Lab School provides module type learning based in ongoing professional development needs of staff with Mandated Reporter, environment, health and safety, supporting families,  domain specific development training.

CSEFEL- Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning from Vander built University provides social emotional professional development on the pyramid model as part of a SEL approach. 

The Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) is a valid and reliable assessment tool utilized across local, state, and federal early learning programs to support observation based assessment in all domains of development. The DRDP is aligned with the California Preschool Learning Foundations and is required for all children three- to five-year-olds in state and federal funded programs included children with an IEP or IFSP. These results are reported to the California Department of Education, Federal Head Start and Early Head Start programs, and SELPA programs across the state. There are several agencies that offer DRDP resources and training free of charge.

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