Focus Area D: P-3 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

There are many tools called out in the Implementation Toolkit under Focus-Area D Curriculum and Assessment selection. These include the early learning standards in the California Preschool Learning Foundations. The Alignment document supports the continuum of standards from the California Preschool Learning Foundations to the California Common Core Kindergarten Standards. Resources to support these standards can be found through the California Preschool Instructors Network (CPIN).

Assessment in Focus Area D highlights the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) which is an observation based assessment that looks for evidence of mastery in the early learning domains, and The Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) which looks at the classroom and the learning materials as the third teacher. 

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System is a valid and reliable tool that became part of the CSPP program and will undergo an implementation process over the next few years. This assessment is non evaluative and measures the interaction in the classroom between teachers and children and among children.


Assessment to inform instruction


Adult/Child Interactions

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